Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Waiting Game

Unfortunately, Elliott's pain is still present, but it has decreased a little bit. There is less frequent intense pain which is great. Keep praying that this pain continues to decrease as El gets new pain medicine and chemotherapy. 

Because of his pain, specifically Elliott's nerve pain, the doctors do not know if Elliott will be able to participate in the study. The gene that has been injected into Elliott's T-cells targets tumor cells but it also can affect nerve and brain cells. If the nerve cells are already damaged, thy do not want to damage them more.To let Elliott into the study, they are trying to decrease the tumor that is close to the nerve by chemotherapy. If the chemo doesn't work then they will try to do radiation on the area to reduce the pain and the tumor. We are praying that these treatments will allow Elliott to get the T-cells that might stop the tumors from growing. 

We won't know if we will do the cells until either chemo is done or when radiation is done. It seems that we have been playing this waiting game for every part of the study. So I suppose it shouldn't come as a surprise to us. 

Keep praying friends that
1. Elliott's pain would decrease so he could sit up, stand, and walk easily.
2. That Elliott would be able to participate in the clinical trial.
3. That we may be not anxious as we play this waiting game. The Lord has it all under control and all in His hands. 


  1. He does Christina. Bless you for realizing that. We are His tools; He gives us what we need to get our soul and other's into Heaven. It's our job to exercise those things He gives to us, of which prayer is one. Please know I am praying for each of you, all the day and night. .... at least when I can rouse enough to be conscious to do so... ;P Feel the Love Sweetheart!
